A message from the Wilmot Shooting Team Board of Directors…

27 May 2023 by Tara Dedeo

Beginning in 2023 the Wilmot Shooting Team formed a 501©3 non-profit. The formation of the non-profit was to allow for sponsorships to support the youth sport by reducing the financial burden on our athletes as much as possible. This is a full volunteer run, club sport and our team receives no funding from the school district. The team is entirely run on fundraising and donations. The formation of the 501©3 made those donations tax deductible for sponsors and thus, easier to solicit.

The formation of the 501©3 requires us to have a full board of directors, bylaws and we must abide by IRS standards and guidelines. The board assembled is fully volunteer and each position holds a one year term. We’ll be inviting all who wish to run for a position to do so at the end of the year.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to one of the board members listed in the Wilmot Shooting Team parent/athlete season handbook.

What does this mean for my athlete(s):
As they say, you have to build the walls before you can hang the pictures…break a few eggs to make an omelet…whatever you call it…this year is a building year. We’re establishing our roots, building the foundation and working on soliciting sponsorships that we hope they will return year after year. We ask you to support those businesses when possible. They have made a vested interest in your athlete. Next year, we hope to be more impactful directly to the athletes with our fundraising and sponsorship dollars having an established path and foundation to build on.

The Board of Directors meets quarterly and as minutes are approved, they will be posted here if you wish to review along with financial information in the spirit of being totally transparent to our members.

VIEW BOD MEETING MINUTES AND FINANCIALS HERE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YTXD0kTWV4uEyZ-XAccODfXjgQH2mhu-rCuKRGgtPjs/edit?usp=sharing